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Giving through your Everyday Activities

Dawn Brosnan, FOO Board Member

With the recent F1 Tornado that struck Oatland Island Wildlife Center everyone wants to help them get back on their paws and reopen the gates, but maybe not everyone has the means to make a monetary donation at this time. As a part of our #PawsandClawsUnited initiative, Friends of Oatland Island has two ways that you can help give to Oatland while making your everyday purchases at Kroger and on Amazon.

One of the most popular go-to sites for many of us is Amazon. With AmazonPrime and their two day shipping, it is a fast and convenient way for us to fill those every day needs.

Did you know that Amazon has an amazing program that gives back to eligible organizations? Friends of Oatland Island is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and is one of those organizations that a portion of your eligible purchases can go towards a donation to help the animals and grounds at Oatland Island Wildlife Center.

It is incredibly simple and you can use the Amazon account that you already have. By logging onto every time you want to make a purchase, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate .05% of your eligible purchases back to Friends of Oatland. So Easy!

With Kroger it's so simple too! Every time you use your Kroger card or phone number associated with your account, you not only collect points for yourself, a percentage of your purchases goes to the organization of your choice! Simply log onto with your information and select Friends of Oatland (as your community rewards choice.

It just takes a few minutes of your time and a couple clicks on the keyboard and both options will continually support Oatland Island Wildlife Center all while you are going about your daily life.

As always, we thank you for your continued support of Oatland Island Wildlife Center and stay tuned to Friends of Oatland for more fundraising opportunities!

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