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Your Support Makes A Statement

Holly Adams, FOO President

Support Friends of Oatland and make a statement along the walkways of Oatland Island! For a mere $100 you can have a personalized wood plank installed along one of the paths to the animal exhibits. The board will be inscribed with anything you want to say (up to 25 characters).

Buy a Board for personal reasons, so you can wish your child a happy birthday, ask your future bride to marry you, wish your husband Happy Father’s Day, memorialize someone special, commemorate an anniversary date, or just have your name listed with the year so everyone knows you were there. Boards also make great gifts and Friends of Oatland Island will send the gift recipient notification of your generous gift.

Another great reason to buy a board is to advertise your business. Think of how many people will be viewing your business name on the walkways every day. Many locals and tourists to the Savannah area come to Oatland Island and will see your business name for a one time investment of $100 per plank.

If you have a lot to say and it will be more than the 25 characters allowed on one board, feel free to buy as many as you want and we will place them right after one another to make a big statement. We can usually place your plank near a specific animal exhibit of your choosing. So, if you want to see your special plank or surprise someone with their plank, you will know just where to find it.

You can now purchase your Board online! Just click on the picture below and it'll take you to the Buy A Board page. The Trading Post will notify you when your board has been placed. If you would like to discuss your ideas for a Board or have questions, please contact us at the Trading Post at 912-395-1520 or via e-mail at

Buy a Board Fundraiser Friends of Oatland Island

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